Thursday, January 20, 2011

My First Albino (RREA) Full Red Guppy Trio

Why am I back to guppies again ? I guess its due to my colleague's influence. He is an avid guppy lover from young and till now he is still keeping guppies. Lately, he just acquired a pair of red laced guppy from a famous guppy breeder in Singapore and managed to spawn some fry. The pair didn't come cheap and this is the first time he invested in a good lineage guppy. I told him that I will get a good pair to spawn as well and we will exchange them when our fry grows up. So I proceeded to surf the net for a pair of good lineage guppy. Since my colleague is keeping red lace guppy, I told myself I will get one that has red and maybe we could do an outcross later. Eventually, I decided upon a full red guppy.

Albino (RREA) full red guppies in Singapore are easily available in local fish shops and private home breeders. Btw, RREA stands for Real Red Eye Albino. I found a famous home breeder (YaikSin) that has a good lineage of full red guppy and got a trio ( 2 males and 1 female ) from him on 9th Dec 2010. His albino full red guppy lineage is a bit orangey. I was kind of disappointed initially but their big dorsal and caudal fins compensated its colour drawback.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Guppy Genetics

Talking about guppy genetics, I think its good for anyone who wants to venture into guppy fish keeping or breeding to have some knowledge of it. Not an easy to grasp topic and till now, I'm still half-past-six on this guppy genetics.

Below is a link to guppy genetics from Malaysia Guppy Club. Its written in mandarin and you might need to register with the forum before getting access to the articles.

Alternatively, here's a link to Philip Shaddock's Guppy Genetic Primer. Enjoy !

Saturday, January 1, 2011

My Fish Keeping Passion

I've been keeping fishes since young. I remembered the first type of  fishes I kept was guppy. During that time, it was considered the most beautiful and affordable fish. I do not know about tank cycling or water parameters and I just kept those little fishes in a container without air pump and filter. Needless to say, they don't survive after a week and most of them passed away.

Over the last 10 years, my hobby of fish keeping has grown in size and depth. Not only have I increased the number of fish tanks, I've also experienced with breeding of various kinds of fishes. I've kept Arowanas, Oscas, Guppies, Endlers, Apistogramma, Altums, Angels, Rams, Bichirs, Kois, Gold Fishes, Bettas, Betta Channoides, Tropical Fishes, Crystal Red Shrimps, Cherry / Sakura Shrimps and Marine Fishes over the years. Some were successful, some were not. I did not keep a single species of fish for long and 'fish-hopped' quite often. I'm not sure whether is this a good sign, but it does expose me to a wide variety of fishes. After one big round of fish keeping, I've come back to Guppy again !