Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Guppy Housekeeping

The beauty of a guppy lies in its genetics. To maintain her beauty, you have to do regular water changes ! I siphoned the feces at the bottom of the tank daily. Its either early in the morning before I leave for work or late evening when I return from work. The bare bottom tank is always filled with feces and I really can't stand the sight of it ! I guess I'm really a cleanliness freak !!

I used a round transparent tubing of 8mm in daimeter to do the siphoning. The amount of water draws out at every feces cleaning is around 10% to 20% depending on the sizes of the tanks. If I do the cleaning daily, I wouldn't be performing weekly water changes then ! Last but not least, when you do your water changes please use aged water treated with anti-chlorine. I'm using the below anti-chlorine.

Besides doing regular housekeeping, I guess food plays another part in the beauty of the fishes as well. Here's a list of flakes and granules that I used to feed the guppies. Twice a week I do supplement them with tubifex worms !