Monday, May 30, 2011

The Grand Champion in Aquarama 2011 Guppy Competition

As the young 1st generation breeders matured in size and finnages, I decided to put them on sale as I see no point in keeping them for my admiration. They have gave me several batches of their offspring (still in fry stage) and I hope someone who purchased them will extend my line or enter them in competitions.

I've managed to sell 4 of the male breeders between 11th May to 21th May 2011. To my surprise, I received a message from one of the buyers that the 1st generation ys-y618 breeders won the Aquarama 2011 Guppy Competition grand champion !!  It also won the 1st placing in the category 2 solid colour (non-moscow) trio class !

This picture is taken by bro jest1081 from Arofanatics.