Over the last 10 years, my hobby of fish keeping has grown in size and depth. Not only have I increased the number of fish tanks, I've also experienced with breeding of various kinds of fishes. I've kept Arowanas, Oscas, Guppies, Endlers, Apistogramma, Altums, Angels, Rams, Bichirs, Kois, Gold Fishes, Bettas, Betta Channoides, Tropical Fishes, Crystal Red Shrimps, Cherry / Sakura Shrimps and Marine Fishes over the years. Some were successful, some were not. I did not keep a single species of fish for long and 'fish-hopped' quite often. I'm not sure whether is this a good sign, but it does expose me to a wide variety of fishes. After one big round of fish keeping, I've come back to Guppy again !